Clare arrived in Hollyoaks when she applied for and got a job at The Loft. She quickly got involved with Max and they are now married. However, she is just after his money and has come up with a lot of ways to scam him. Most recently she told him she might not be able to have children but she could go and see a specialist that cost £10,000 when she was in fact planning to move to New Zealand. O.B and Mel both tried to warn Max but Clare is very cunning and has Max wrapped around her little finger.
After her unsuccesful attempts to kill Max, Clare left Hollyoaks but soon came back demanding Max give her everything she wants or she would tell Social Services he wasn't looking after Tom properly.
Current Storylines:
Now she's the owner of The Loft, Clare is now trying to boss Warren around. But will he be as easy to manipulate as Max was?